by devadmin | May 7, 2020 | Water Pump Stations
Lead design engineer on a project in which a 500,000 gallon water storage tank was constructed on a ridge at the highest part of the City of Brisbane. An intermediary water pump station was evaluated and determined to have adequate capacity to serve with the new tank....
by devadmin | May 7, 2020 | Water, Water Piping Systems
Prepared an evaluation of an elevated steel water tank that had been found to be corroded. As a part of the evaluation, a determination was made that there is lead based paint on the exterior and interior of the tank. Methods were proposed for abating the lead based...
by devadmin | May 7, 2020 | Water, Water Piping Systems
Evaluated the alternatives for dealing with a waterline that may be failing. The waterline delivers water to and from a ground level reservoir on Sweeney Ridge and is the only source of water for fire fighting in one zone of the City. The line has sprung a leak each...
by devadmin | May 7, 2020 | Water, Water Piping Systems
Designed and assisted in the operation of several small water systems in Northern California. – Ron Sweet, Rose, the people in Ferndale.
by devadmin | May 7, 2020 | Water, Water Piping Systems
Designed water pumping systems for a large hilltop residence. One system provided potable water to the house and the sprinkler system. The other water system provided a fire flow of 600 GPM to a fire hydrant at the house and a 10,000 gallon storage tank. Provided...