Septic Systems
Moss Landing Harbor District, CA
Provided technical advice on rehabilitating an unconventional pump station serving restaurants and other commercial buildings. Correctly diagnosed that the pump station was a septic tank that had been converted into a pump station when sewers became available in the...
Evaluation Of The Feasibility Of An Onsite Wastewater System In The Vicinity of Martinez, CA
Evaluated the feasibility of permitting an onsite wastewater system in the Route 4 corridor. Determined that the County had a prohibited zone in the area that would make such a system extremely difficult to permit. - D&H Landscaping
Handicapped Housing Development, Monterey County
Provided a conceptual design for an on-site wastewater collection, treatment and disposal system for a 129-unit garden apartment complex for handicapped persons. The design called for a septic tank for each cluster of apartments with a variable grade effluent sewer...
Design of Replacement Septic Tank and Mound System, Marin County
Designed a system to replace a failed leach field. It is likely that the problem was a crushed pipe leading to the leach field rather than the leach field itself, but because the owners of the property had been red-tagged by the County for doing construction without a...
Stonehurst Subdivision, Contra Costa County
Prepared an evaluation of the sewerage system of an upscale subdivision containing 47 lots. Each house has a septic tank. The effluent from the septic tanks is treated in a recirculating gravel filter and then disposed of in a series of leach fields. The original...
Mariposa County, CA
Lead engineer on design of a $5 million, EPA Clean Water Grant funded project for three small communities in Mariposa County, CA. Each house had an individual septic tank but disposal was in the community mound systems. At the time, it was the largest mound system...
Surfacing Septic Tank Effluent
Reviewed voluminous documents and summarized the technical facts for the attorneys for two insurance companies, whose insureds were being sued by a downslope neighbor who claimed that their septic systems were discharging on to his property. Interviewed the...
Septic System Failure
Investigated why the toilet at a rural residence in Contra Costa County would not flush properly. The tenant had called the County Environmental Health Department and the landlord had responded with a retaliatory eviction. Found that the septic tank and leach field...
Inadequate Septic Tank Inspection, Los Angeles County, CA.
As a requirement of the lender, the septic system serving a house for sale was inspected by a septic system service company. Two weeks after the new owner moved in, the system failed. A second septic system service company noted that the earlier inspection was...
Death from Septic Tank Dry Well, Ventura County.
Unbeknownst to the present homeowners, the septic tank system of their home was equipped with a dry well, rather than a conventional leach field. The dry well was about 3-feet in diameter and 25-feet deep. This type of disposal facility had been permitted until...