City of Salinas

Designed a water well for irrigation of a new City golf course. Collected regulatory and hydrogeological information, and designed the casing, gravel pack, and areas of perforation. Observed the construction of the well and pump testing. Selected the pumping...

City of Tracy

Feasibility study of converting mined-out gravel pits into raw water storage reservoirs. The pits are conveniently located near the City’s water treatment plant. The availability of storage would allow the City to use inexpensive surplus winter water rather than...

Viet Nam

Working for Metcalf & Eddy, studied, designed, advised and assisted in the operation of several water treatment plants. Designed repairs to an old French military water treatment plant at the Da Nang airbase and designed a new coagulation unit for this water...

Water System Operator, United States Marine Corps

As an engineer officer in the United States Marine Corps, operated diatomaceous earth water filtration equipment to supply potable water to the Marines while they were in the field. Also studied, rehabilitated and advised on the operation of the water system on French...