Sewage and Wastewater Systems
Southern California City
Provided expert opinions in a case where several homes along a street in a Southern California city flooded with sewage over the course of a few weeks. Discovered that the flooding was due to the City’s sewer being clogged with broken shards of vitrified clay pipe....
Corrosion Failure of Concrete Trunk Sewers, Pima County, AZ
Provided expert advice in a case where sink holes developed suddenly at three locations along a large concrete trunk sewer. Rebutted a theory that the sinkholes were caused by a broken water main.
Illegal Sewer Connection, Bakersfield, CA
Provided technical support in a case where the seller of an apartment complex illegally connected the complex to the public sewer when the onsite septic system failed and failed to disclose this to the buyer. Determined that connection to the public sewer system was...
Water Damage From Cross Bore
Served as expert witness in a case where a contractor installing fiber optic lines by horizontal directional drilling punctured a water line, causing extensive damage to the street. The water utility company had marked the site of the water line but had failed to mark...
Flooding Of A Mobile Home, San Bernardino County, CA
Served as an expert witness in a case where sewage backed up from the sewer system into a mobile home. After an initial site visit, the mobile home park disclosed that it did in fact have plans of the sewer system, which previously they denied having. Made a second...
Homeowner v. City
Evaluated a situation in which a private sewer serving several residences in a court was found to be backing up. The City, which owned the public sewer to which the private sewer connected, inspected their portion of the piping and found that it was not blocked. The...
City Of Sunnyvale, CA
Provided technical advice on the effect of sewer blockages on the escape of PCE from the City sewer system. The blockages were due to grease from "restaurant row", which was just downstream from the sites of several dry cleaners. Issues included, sags in the sewer,...
Cheese Processing Plant, Northern California
Provided technical evaluation for a cheese processing plant where a dissolved air flotation clarifier could not be operated at the promised hydraulic capacity. Determined that the clarifier did in fact have adequate solids processing capacity but that the unit could...
Claim Against A Wastewater Treatment Vendor, Monterey County, CA
Provided technical advice and expert witness testimony in a case where the owners of a shopping center refused to pay a company that had furnished equipment for an on-site wastewater treatment system. Determined that many of the officers of the shopping center were...
Claim Against Design Consultant For Failure Of A Wastewater Treatment Plant To Perform After An Improvement Project, Northern California
Served as an expert witness helping defend a design consultant who was being sued because a wastewater treatment plant failed to meet its discharge requirements after an improvement project was constructed. Determined that the facilities that were included in the...