
More than 40 year’s experience in a wide variety of wastewater projects both in the United States and abroad.

City of San Leandro

Estimated the costs of a five-year capital improvement program for the City's 16 sewage and stormwater pump stations for use as input in the budgeting process.

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City Of Gilroy

Assisted in the design of various upgrades to the City's wastewater treatment facilities.

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Pinecrest Permittees Association

Conducting a "repair, replace, or abandon" evaluation on the rotating biological contactor (RBC) process at this small treatment plant in the Sierras. When the shaft of the existing RBC unit broke for the second time, the Association requested an evaluation of whether...

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Oro Loma Sanitary District

Preliminary engineering report on a belt filter press facility to be constructed in an existing vacuum filter building. Because of the relatively large press capacity and difficulty of accessing the trucks that will haul the pressed cake away, consideration was given...

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Modesto Dissolved Air Flotation Preliminary Design

Prepared a preliminary design of a dissolved air flotation facility to remove algae from storage pond water. The facility will allow the plant to discharge to the river in several months during which the algae create an unallowable total suspended solids concentration.

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Placer County SMD No. 1

Prepared a preliminary engineering report for the expansion of this wastewater treatment plant. The hydraulics of the plant were investigated and various piping improvements were identified to increase the hydraulic capacity of the plant. A third train of rotating...

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Stonehurst Subdivision

Served as District Engineer for a subdivision which has its own small diameter pressure collection system and wastewater treatment and disposal system.

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Mariposa County

Design of small diameter variable grade effluent sewers and mound disposal systems for three rural communities. The work included a review of available technical literature on these innovative technology systems and discussions with experts throughout the United States.

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