City of Burlingame. Design of the California-Grove Stormwater Pump Station. The facilities included: a 28 CFS (18 MGD) pump station using submersible pumps; a standby generator; a storage building; drain inlets and piping; and site improvements. The construction cost of the facilities was $1.3 million.
Coffee-Claratina Stormwater Pump Station, City of Modesto. Assisted the City staff in designing the completion of a stormwater pump station to empty the dual-use detention basin that had been constructed as a feature of the park. Calculated the required pumping rates to meet various requirements and confirmed the pump selection. Prepared skeleton designs of the valve vault and piping systems for installation by City staff. The work was performed by City staff, augmented by contractors, on an expedited basis in just 12 weeks to allow the park to open on schedule.
City of Alameda. Conducted a feasibility study of installing a mechanically cleaned bar screen on a stormwater pump station. Received the assignment on Friday. Delivered the report to the City engineering staff on Monday afternoon for use in a meeting with the City Manager on Tuesday morning. Designed the bar screen and provided technical support during construction.