Pittsburg Montezuma Stormwater Pump Station. Made a preliminary analysis of pump replacement at an ancient stormwater pump station. Noted to the client that the various criteria for the project were conflicting. Recommended that the project not be undertaken until further scoping could take place. This recommendation was accepted.
Environmental Review of Wastewater Facilities for Dunnigan, CA. Reviewed the wastewater collection, treatment and disposal systems proposed in an Environmental Impact Report for the Town of Dunnigan in the Central Valley.
East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD). Prepared training materials and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the newly constructed Dystor digester cover. The Dystor cover includes two membranes, the inner one containing the digester gas, the outer one containing air. This arrangement allows a large volume of digester gas to be stored. EBMUD will use the stored digester gas in their cogeneration system for peak-shaving of energy loads.
Stonehurst Subdivision. Served as District Engineer for a subdivision which has its own wastewater treatment and disposal system.
Placerville, CA Hangtown Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Value Engineering. Served as the sanitary engineer on a value engineering team for a $13.6 million wastewater treatment plant expansion and improvement project. Significant issues included: rehabilitation of the existing headworks versus building a new headworks; process performance that might be obtained by raising the clarifier walls; and the need for a building over the headworks. Potential savings of $1.64 million were identified.
Chemonics International, Inc. Spent three and one-half weeks in Tunis, Tunisia leading a team that evaluated the El Menzah pilot project, which is the first project in a program that involves the privatization of a portion of the wastewater collection and treatment facilities in the country. Interviewed Tunisian and U.S. Agency for International Development officials, and the French contractor who is operating the sewerage system.