Residential Leakage and Drainage Problems. Investigated leakage and drainage problems in approximately 200 houses. About a dozen of these cases resulted in legal action, in which Bonneau Dickson was used as an expert.
Expert Witness, Failed Stormdrain Piping. Serving as an expert witness in a case in which plastic storm drain piping collapsed.
Wastewater Treatment Plant Claim. Evaluated proposed corrective measures in a $5 million claim in which a wastewater treatment plant failed to perform as intended. The levees around earthen storage lagoons leaked because the design did not incorporate the recommendations of the geotechnical engineer. An innovative land-application nitrogen removal facility created an extreme mosquito problem. A gravity pipeline that was pressurized as a part of the project leaked excessively.
Mobile Home Park Contamination, North Bay. Technical expert on a case north of San Francisco Bay where the residents sued the owner alleging that the water supply was contaminated and that they had been exposed to sewage.