Oro Loma Sanitary District. Designed modifications to the digester gas piping system to separate it from electrical facilities and thus bring it into compliance with National Fire Protection Association Standard 820 and the National Fuel Gas Code.
Santa Cruz County Sanitation District, Aptos Transmission Main Relocation Project. (Aptos Esplanade Pump Station Upgrade and Upper Tannery Gulch, Lower Tannery Gulch, New Brighton State Beach Campground and New Brighton State Beach Toilet Pump Stations). Project Engineer on the relocation of a 20-inch pressure pipeline in the beach to an inland route. The new pressure pipeline system includes 17,000-feet of 16-inch and 18-inch force mains. The project also includes a major upgrade of the existing Rio-Esplanade Pump Station, which involves the replacement of three 40 HP pumps with four 185 HP pumps. The existing 225 KW standby generator will be replaced with a 800 KW generator. Four additional force mains were designed for new submersible pump stations, two of which will include standby generators.
Southern California City. Analyzed three alternatives for disposing of wastewater from a remote canyon park: (a) over a mile of conventional sanitary sewer to connect to the City sewer system; (b) septic tanks with a small diameter variable grade effluent sewer (VGES) to the City sewer system; and (c) septic tanks with soil absorption systems. The innovative VGES system costs only 40 percent of the conventional sewer alternative, but provides the same degree of service and reliability. It was selected for implementation, saving the City an estimated $155,000.